Go With Flow. 

Frame Of Mind

You need to know all frame of your mind.


Happiness is a choice. We can Choose it and accept it with full arms. our happiness not depand on other.


Attachment is an illusion that can only Hinder our mental growth and prevent us from attaining true Happiness of Life.


Fear is also an illusion created by your own mind. It can affect our mind when we forget real and positive power of our mind.


Anger is nothing but the state of mind which can destroy our relationship as well as ourselves. It is also one of the leading gate towards Hell.

Frame of mind

The secret of Emotions.

Happiness , Attachment, Fear and Anger. These are all our Emotion which affect our mind equally. We need to know that we should not let any emotion overwhelm us.

Power Of Your Mind

Power of Thinking is the factor which can Make   or Break our Life.

Think good and good follows.Think evil and evil follows. You are what you think all day long.

-Dr. Joseph Murphy

Irish Author

Always keep your mind joyful, If melancholy thoughts come, kick them out.

-Swami Vivekananda

Indian monastic and philospher.

The mind that opens to a new idea return to it’s Original size.

-Albert Einstein 

Theoretical physicist.

A positive mind finds opportunity in everything. A negative mind finds fault in everything.

-APJ Abdul Kalam

Indian aerospace scientist and statesman.

Clarity ! It can change your Life. 

Clarity of your Mind.

Clarity of mind is not come from birth. it’s not any type of blessing. it only come from experience and mistakes. So, We need to explore much to clear our mindset towards positivity.

The God has Blessed Human Being with the Power of Thinking.
The Subjective mind is amenable and controlled by suggestion of the objective or conscious mind. The objective mind takes cognizance of the objective world. The objective mind is your guide in your contact with the environment. The objective mind learn through Observation, Experience and education. The […]
Subconscious mind is a significant factor in the creation of dreams. Dreams are thought to be expressions of repressed desires, unresolved conflicts, or symbolic representations of thoughts and emotions. Subconscious mind is more powerful then conscious mind. All you need to know the power of your […]